Ok, I've put it off long enough, I need to vent... The single greatest daily challenge facing new residents in Qatar is driving.
Don't get me wrong, I like to drive. But the locals will drive - you .... %$#@ crazy/bonkers/bananas/ballistic...
The locals here drive with, really, no regard to rules like speed limit, lines on roads, other drivers ect... I've never seen such an easily identifiable group of egotistical self centered individuals in my life as the "local Doha driver". They're right up there with actors and super models.
While on the road the local driver is easily spotted. They typically drive a white SUV usually a Toyota Land Cruiser with gold striping. It's not just the men, the women are every bit as aggressive.

The aggressive driving can take many forms.
- You want to pass a vehicle. You decide to pull into the left most lane (generally not the best idea), shoulder check, mirror check, there is no one in sight. Your eyes drop to the road for what seems seconds. Your eyes are snapped back to your rearview mirror by horn blasts and lights flashing. A toyota land cruiser has apparated (thanks JK Rowling) behind your vehicle. The vehicle is so close that you can see the driver's protruding nose hairs, right below the bulging eyes.
- You waiting in line behind several vehicles at a stop sign, traffic light, accident ...(pick one) when a land cruiser passes you, as well as everyone else, driving on the median and forces its way back into line at the front. No one honks... its like no big deal!
- Its not uncommon on side streets to have someone come at you in your lane as they pass a long queue of cars. They expect "you" to get out of "their way", they will flash their lights if you don't get the message right away.
- Driving in the middle lane is safest because people will cut you off from all directions. The middle lane gives everyone the opportunity to execute "evasive manoeuvers". My rule is drive just below the speed limit and let em' pass there is no point getting exited it happens everytime I get behind the wheel.
- If someone had a problem with road rage, they should be sent here This place would could cure anyone it in a week. You would be so bombarded with irritatating stimuli that you would totally desensitize and be ready for the relatively calm driving of downtown Toronto.
- Roundabouts are a subclassification all on their own. Its a free for all. The only rule is "keep your head up". People are ducking in and out of the round abouts from all directions. Some roundabouts have trafffic lights that flash yellow, some have no lights, some are intermittenly run by the police. Its like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get" (thanks Forest).
- I came within a hairs breath of a 6000 QR fine (1800 cdn) at least that's what the qatari traffic cop told me. I was not speeding or passing crazily, I was trying to park in mall (I could write a blog just on that experience alone). I wanted to make a left turn, the car coming towards me accelerates, I turn sooner than I want, to avoid a head-on bump (at 10km/h). I end up turning on the wrong side of a 2m long median. The other vehicle is the previously mentioned traffic cowboy. He hops and yells in broken english that I will pay this huge fine. I have been forewarned to avoid confrontation and everything will be fine. So I start this self deprecating dialogue... I am new, I didn't see, I am confused, I am stupid ... yadayada. His stone cold demeanor cracks he starts to smile ("I've got him")... I get off. Upon later reflection I realize how ridiculous the situation was and how preposterous the fine, considering all the recent near death experiences I have had with local idiots.
- Lenore says I am starting to drive like them. Not so! Last time I checked I still had a conscience.
- The video here is not meant to scare anyone, does however provide insight into the local metality. The video is two years old and things have improved. Qatar driving
- note the people driving on the sidewalk, that happens with or without accidents.
Just like Montreal, eh? Bad driving and in another language. Keep your head up and your eyes peeled. Pretty spiffy SUV you have there. Is it electric? Guffaw, guffaw!
You wouldn't believe it... It really defies explanation and my little rant doesn't do it justice.
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