Friday, October 2, 2009

10 things we should have brought to Doha but didn't...Oops!

  1. More pictures and wall hangings, this place is immense!
  2. Recipe books for Lenore, you can get just about any food item here.
  3. Molasses, real maple syrup, tortilla wraps, marshmallows, blueberries ... all hard to find
  4. More electrical transformers to convert 240 V to 120V!
  5. More sunglasses and sun screen, after all, its the desert.
  6. More warm clothes, the AC is killer, especially for the gals.
  7. Loose leaf paper with 3 holes not 4 (Loose leaf is really expensive)
  8. Bedding and towels ... also expensive.
  9. Picture frames. We should have framed everything before we left.
  10. Finally... books, the selection here sucks, there's no Noble and Barnes or Chapters :(


Anonymous said...

Cannot believe you use convertors-we do not use anything! The camera battery chargers and the laptops are all dual voltage!
What are you running on the convertors?

Cdn_teach_Qatar said...

Hair crimpers, dryers, printer, power tools - drill

Anonymous said...

So enjoying your blog Barry. Found your list of ten items really intersting. I'm thinking you'll be stocking up when you are back next summer...

aimeebrownie said...

The state of Qatar spends a large part of its budget on maintaining its (very modern) road system. Qatar’s roads are divided into three types. Main roads are three-lane highways that link the capital with other large regional centers. Minor roads link major roads with each other and serve the purpose of getting smaller towns and cities connected to the major system.