If you want hot water... no problem! You get it regardless of which tap you turn! Actually we have found that the cold hot water is in fact hotter than the hot hot water because you can turn the hot water tank temperature down and the tank also happens to be indoors.......(I know, don't ask). Where was I? A cold glass of water comes from inside the fridge or the water cooler. When Lenore needs to do a cold wash or rinse when doing clothes she ........... wait for it ......... adds ............... ice cubes!..... really! You know, its just funny, you just have to laugh! I love this country!
1 comment:
Oh. My. God.
36c at night??!! I would be so freaking out! There would be daily deliveries of ice to my door to ensure I had a way to take that cool bath!!! I would be drilling my kids constantly, "that's not the last ice cube is it?" "You did fill the trays and put them back in the freezer didn't you?" The penalty for not refilling the ice cube trays would be severe, they could be all partying down on the corniche without a care knowing that mom is guarding the freezer for her life!! Lenore obviously has a great sense of humour (and lots of unshrinkables!)... Keep posting!
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