Where was I? Sorry for the interruption, 3 months, but as they say "Life Happens"
The Saturday of the fair, for me, was all about waiting. Schools use this day for second interviews. I had one interview in the morning and then I just sat on pins and needles for 12 hours. At 5 pm that evening I was called in and I received my offer from Doha. It was an awesome offer and I accepted on the spot.
When I emailed my wife there was a little bit of confusion. I was fairly confident about an offer from Taiwan and so when I told her I got the job she thought we were going to Kaoshiang. It took several minutes of disjointed conversation before we realized that we were simultaneously imagining living oversease in 2 completely different locations.... " I don't know if I will get used to all the sand... " - "There's alot of sand there? What about learning how to speak Chinese? ".... - " Why would you want to learn how to speak Chinese ??? You'll have to learn Arabic!" ... - " Arabic???"... -" Hun??" .... - "What??" ... I imagine you get the idea. Anyway after several minutes we managed to get onto the same page, or rather, the same continent.
Shortly thereafeter most candidates met in the bar. It was a hoot to hear where everyone was going and at the same time sad for those who did not get offers or offers they desired.
My roommate Jim was being courted by a school in Zimbabwe. It pays to do your homework and know the geopolotical situation of any school you get an offer from. The more we discussed the recent goings on in Zimbabwe the less appealing the offer became.
Many of the people who received jobs that night were transferring from other international schools. It became apparent to me that once you are in the family you can go wherever you like..!
The next day was all about sigining contracts. I needed the passport numbers of everyone that was coming with me to Doha, birthdates...etc.. Oh Yeah, read for typos in the contract... My son ended up being born on April 19, 1794 instead of April 17 1994... Oh well ... Say HI to Napoleon for me!
The flight home was uneventful and thank God there was a professional Day the next day, " No preparation required!" Phew! Two days after the conference I received another offer from the school in India...
The most fun I had was sharing my experiences with my colleagues at Kidston Elementary. Everyone was so happy for me and just repeating all the stories was a gas!! I really found it amazing that many of the people that I work with have either taught over seas or are really keen to do it!
The School

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