The best part about landing in Thailand after several months in Qatar is all the green vegetation everywhere. It revitalizes the soul as you exit the aiport and look around. Month after month of beige and grey is alot like rain day in day out.
We spent the first part of our trip in a little city south and west of Bangkok on the Bay of Thailand... called Cha-am.

The main strip in Cham-am is about 5 km long and runs right along the beach. There is a buffer of parkland between the beach and the street where families hangout and picnic. On the other side of this street are people with their little stands cooking and selling food.
Fish stand where you can pick up fresh, uncooked seafood (wholesale).

It seemed like many of the vendors would buy from these stands, walk across the street and start cooking the seafood on their own grills.

reminded me alot of the Ponderosa Pines we have in BC.
We rented some bikes so that we could explore the strip at our leisure. The bikes cost us about a dollar each for the whole day and were perfect for where we were. 1 speed, a little to ring to let people know you're coming and a basket for all your loot.

The end of the line on our bikes. Some times the best trips are simplest ones. We had such a nice timeon these bikes, we so much of the local people ...
Cha-am break water

The parkland between the maintstrip and the beach is also somewhere to get a local Thai massage. The women giving the messages are pretty tiny for the most part. They have incredible strong hands. One gal climbed ontop of me and drove her forearm into the base of my spine... Heaven! 10 $ / hour!

Our favorite restaurant in Cha-am was a family run business which was basically located in their front yard.. called the Rang Yen Garden . There was this little sign off the main road and we just walked up this little alley and there it was. Very authentic thai food. As well, easily the best hospitality we experienced the entire trip.

I can't remember the owner's name but he was very kind and even drove us back to our hotel on his Tuk Tuk when we finished our dinner.

We took a day to go south to Hua Hin. We started by our little sojourn with a trip to and Elephant and Reptile farm.
The elephants looked like they were in a sorry state and they put on a litlle show... but it was the snake charmer who was really amazing!

The start of the show that day was the snake guy. I have never seen anything like this in my life. Its one thing to see it on youtube its another to see it live.

These snakes were not defanged and as far as we could tell sill had their venom glands.

I can't tell you how he pulls this off. The size of a snake brain can't be all that impressive and those lips have got to look threatening... Maybe they drug the snake ?? No idea ..

It is a very cool sensation to rub your feet on elephant skin. Thank God for those benches, I was able to actually enjoy the ride.

Our driver took us up to Monkey Mountain which was very appropriattely named. There were so many infact that it kinda creeped you out a little bit. Like, what if they all ganged up on you at the same time... I'm telling you they were everywhere you looked!!

At the top of the mountain is a budhist temple and novitiates are out and about cleaning up.
Nice smile!

The malls in Bangkok are like those in Doha... Grand Palaces. No bargains to be found here... the best buys are at street level, where you can haggle.

One evening Conor and I splurged and went out to see Muay Thai Boxing
Every match starts with prayers... ( none of boxing pictures are mine, forgot the camera)
But the pictures are a good representation of what you see

We spent one morning seeing the canals of Bangkok by boat.

It was amazing what you can see from the water front. It gives you a very different perspective of what life is like for the poorer Thais.

We were let off the boat in the old part of Bangkok. We spent the next couple hours checking ou the Temples. I must say that I really enjoyed the exteriors, which are a feast for the eyes... But the interiors are very common in their layout.
Wat Arun temple

We hired a tuk tuk driver to take us around to the various temples...

Our driver's agenda ended up being a little different than ours . They get money for bringing people to gem stores and the like. So for every temple we asked to go to there seemed to be a whole sale gem store with a "once in a lifetime sale" that we just "had" to see... Finally, I had to say "enough" before he got the message...
Loved the temples .... Very ornate

Many of the temples have very cool murals ...

Our final stop was the grand palace. We were there for maybe 20 minutes and they kicked all of the tourists out because there was a big ceremony and the king was going to be in attendance. No problem, by then we were all templed out.

On our way back to the hotel guess who drives by .... the King! On his way to the Palace.

Thailand was a great trip, the country is modern and clean. The people are kind and helpful. Looking forward to going back!