You know how I said a while back that all marshmallows are not created equal? Well, I just discovered the same thing about hotdogs......You know how you just want something simple to eat and something familiar? well, I prepared my dog the way I like it, you know, a good bun, ketchup, mustard....and you bite into it only to discover...what did I buy anyway? I go back and look at the pack....hmmmmm hot and spicy...full of indian spices!!!!Yuck! How dissapointing. well, that was the last straw. I can hardly wait to get back onto Canadian soil and feel, see and taste something familiar. O.K. I was in the store yesterday shopping. And, as always, takes me longer than it should because it is so hard to find things and they don't stock up like safeway, and the way they toss those poor apples and get them all bruised...I can't stand it. I just about broke down after grocery shopping for 1 1/2 hours when I couldn't find pesto. I knew they had it but I couldn't find it. There is no, "How may I help you?" guys there. They look at you weird when you ask for ...marshmallows, molasses, cottage cheese... whatever! O.K. so, I meal plan every week and then go armed with my grocery list, and then...POOF! There goes my meal plans when you can't find that key ingredient! I need a holiday!
Where to next? We go to Europe to see England and France before flying back to Canada.
So, I guess you can't feel too sorry for me! I just needed to vent. There was no one home to share my hot dog experience with. So, I shared it with my cyber friends...