But first .... "A Day at the Races"

Question: What do you do in Doha if you are bored on a weekend afternoon ?
Answer: Go to the camel races!

Its free and its one very unique experience...
You can get right up close and personal with the camels, stand right next to the the starting gate, its totally casual, you need to keep your head up or the camels will run you over... simple :).

The camels have a motorised jockey ! Its the funniest thing! Its smaller than a bread box and is remote controlled. It has an arm connected to a riding crop. The little arm whips around and drives the camel forward. If you click on the photo belwo you can see the gizmo more clearly.
Young boys used to be brought in or kidnapped from Pakistan or Bangladesh to ride the camels. They were essentially treated as slaves(link). Theses electronic devices are a huge improvement.
The Qataris, who own the camels, drive alongside in their SUVs during the race and operate these remotes. As well there are little speakers and they can talk to the camels too.

When you go to the races you can follow the camels around the track in a bus alongside all the SUVs. You can see the SUVs in the behind the camels.

Or if you are really lucky you can get a ride with the camera crew! That's Donna she teaches English at ASD.

There is no betting on the races in Qatar ... its illegal. So they race their camels every weekend for the glory........... ah yeah right..... anyway, some of these camels go for a hundred thousand riyals... an expensive hobby.
After watching the camels race a couple times we were good to go .... Ya seen one camel race you've seen.....
4 Weekends later we went CAMPING!
That experience was truly remarkable. We discovered some things that we truly were not expecting. Qatar's landscape is flat and dull for the most part ... but there are some very cool places to discover if you are open to adventure.
We headed out early as we needed drive across the country to get to our destination, Zekreet or Bir Zikrit! It took us nearly forty minutes but with gas to spare, we made it.

There are no real camp sites per say you just find a stretch of beach and plop yourself down. We found a nice little bay an we pitched our tents.

Its interesting what you can discover when you're not really looking for anything in particular... you start seeing things that you might accidently drive right by.

These mushroom shaped limestone mesas are worn down by wind and are smooth, dusty and slippery.

We explored these little structures which turned out to be nothing more than shells, but they were still pretty interesting!
We dove up out of this little valley and found another TV / Movie set ... Hollywood Mid East. ... Go figure! Who woulda known???

It looks cool! ..... Its all fake :( real buildings ... real empty.
But the camping was nice and peaceful:). The water was warm but still refreshing.

Incredibly challenging to have camp fire. There was some dry seaweed to burnand a few dried prickly shrubs, but after constantly feeding our tiny little blaze we gave up and played cards ;)
We loved our new tents, with no fly you could lie down in tent and see the stars over head...

We are going to try and go back before it gets too hot ... Today was 33C , winter is almost over ... It's sad it has been so beautiful for so long! In month and a half we will be indoors again!